A Claymation Short

Two eighth graders take a roller coaster ride, full of intense emotions, once the periodic health check is announced.  
About the film

"Scale" is a touching Claymation short film that delves into the profound theme of body dysmorphia, a mental health condition that consumes individuals with concerns about their perceived flaws in appearance. This visually captivating and emotionally resonant story follows the journey of a Nandu and Mimi. Two eighth graders take a roller coaster ride, full of intense emotions, once the periodic health check is announced at school.
Concept Note

The concept of the film revolves around body dysmorphia. A mental health condition where a person spends a lot of time worrying about flaws in their appearance.
Storyboard & Animatics
Character Design
The characters are designed taking the technical aspects of Modelling and Animation into consideration. Both the characters represent two extremes of a human body shape.  
Character Color & Style treatment
Set Design
In order to create the set, we first estimated the sizes of both character models, from which we then derived the dimensions of each set component. ​​​​​​​

Classroom set plan
Bathroom set plan
Set Color & Style Treatment 
Still Shots


Table no. 1
Story and Concept Development
Ishita Gaur     Riddhi Khairnar     Spandana Madabushi
Hazel Jacob     Dhanya Phadke     Shantanu Rathore
Script writing
Spandana Madabushi
Storyboard & Animatics
Dhanya Phadke
Character Design
Hazel Jacob
Character Rigging & Modelling
Spandana Madabushi     Ishita Gaur     Shantanu Rathore
Character Costumes
Hazel Jacob     Spandana Madabushi
Set Design and Color & Style Treatment
Riddhi Khairnar
Set Building
Ishita Gaur     Riddhi Khairnar     Spandana Madabushi
Hazel Jacob     Dhanya Phadke     Shantanu Rathore
Ishita Gaur     Spandana Madabushi     Riddhi Khairnar
Hazel Jacob     Dhanya Phadke     Shantanu Rathore
Riddhi Khairnar
Riddhi Khairnar     Spandana Madabushi     Ishita Gaur
2D animators
Dhanya Phadke     Hazel Jacob
Sound Design
Dhanya Phadke
End Credits Animation
Hazel Jacob
A Claymation Short